Relevant documents:
1. ISO 6493, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of starch content
— Polarimetric method
2. IS0 5510, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of available
3. ISO 5983-1, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of nitrogen
content and calculation of crude protein content — Part 1: Kjeldahl method
4. ISO 5984, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of crude ash
5. ISO 5985, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of ash insoluble
in hydrochloric acid
6. ISO 6490-1, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of calcium
content — Part 1: Titrimetric method
7. ISO 6491, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of phosphorus
content — Spectrometric method
8. ISO 6492, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of fat content
9. ISO 6495, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of water-soluble
chlorides content
10. ISO 6496, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of moisture and
other volatile matter content
11. ISO 6497, Animal feeding stuffs — Sampling
12. ISO 6865, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of crude fibre
content — Method with intermediate filtration
13. ISO 9831, Animal feeding stuffs, animal products, and faeces or
urine — Determination of gross calorific value — Bomb calorimeter method
14. ISO 13903, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of amino acids
15. ISO 14718, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of aflatoxin B1
content of mixed feeding stuffs — Method using high-performance liquid
16. ISO 17375, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of aflatoxin B1
17. ISO 16050, Foodstuffs — Determination of aflatoxin B1, and the
total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived
products — High-performance liquid chromatographic method
18. ISO 27085,Animal feeding stuff — Determination of calcium, sodium,
phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt,
molybdenum, arsenic, lead and cadmium by ICP-AES