Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Brazil - Cattle and buffaloes - Addendum



The following communication, dated 12 August 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Brazil.





Title: Technical regulation laying down the Brazilian System of Individual Identification for cattle and buffaloes – SISBOV.


Reason for Addendum:

[  ]

Comment period changed - date:

[  ]

Notified measure adopted - date:


Notified measure published - date: 24 July 2020


Notified measure enters into force - date: 3 August 2020

[  ]

Text of final measure available from[1]:

[  ]

Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:

[  ]

Content or scope of notified measure changed

New deadline for comments (if applicable):

[  ]

Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:




Description: This addendum aims to inform that the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply – MAPA published in the Official Gazette No. 141 on 24 July 2020 the Ministerial Technical Regulation No. 50, 21 July 2020 that revokes article 89 of the Technical Regulation No. 51, 1 October 2018.

The notified measure enters into force on 3 August 2020.




[1] This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other information on where the text of the final measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained.