Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United States - Bioengineered (BE) food - Addendum



The following communication, dated 28 July 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the United States of America.





Title: National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard


Reason for Addendum:

[  ]

Comment period changed - date:

[  ]

Notified measure adopted - date:

[  ]

Notified measure published - date:

[  ]

Notified measure enters into force - date:

[  ]

Text of final measure available from[1]:

[  ]

Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:

[  ]

Content or scope of notified measure changed

New deadline for comments (if applicable):

[  ]

Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:


Other: Request for comments


Description: ACTION: Request for comments

SUMMARY: The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) is soliciting comments and feedback on recommendations to update the List of Bioengineered Foods (List) as it pertains to the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Standard).

Comments are due by 24 August 2020.

This action is identified by Document Number AMS-FTPP-20-0057. Comments and other relevant information are available from at, or by searching the Document Number on

WTO Members and their stakeholders are asked to submit comments on this action to the USA TBT Enquiry Point. Comments received by the USA TBT Enquiry Point from WTO Members and their stakeholders will be shared with the regulator and will also be submitted to the Docket if received within the comment period.

85 Federal Register (FR) 44791, 24 July 2020; Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 66:





[1] This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other information on where the text of the final measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained.