Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Indonesia - Addendum



Status Report regarding implementation of the

dsb recommendations and rulings
by Indonesia


The following communication, dated 11 November 2019, from the delegation of Indonesia to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated pursuant to Article 21.6 of the DSU.





Indonesia submits this report pursuant to Article 21.6 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU).

Indonesia is committed to implementing the recommendations and rulings of the DSB in these disputes. Significant changes or adjustments have been made, both in the MoA and MoT regulations, in order to address the measures at issue by removing inter alia the measures of (i) harvest period restriction, (ii) import realization requirements, (iii) six-months harvest requirement, and (iv) reference price. No such measures are found to exist today.

Indonesia would also like to report that the latest adjustment was made by issuing the MoT Regulation No.72/2019 which amending the MoT Regulation No.29/2019 concerning Provisions for Export and Import of Animal and Animal Products. This Regulation has been notified to the Committee on Import Licensing on 16 October 2019 with document number G/LIC/N/2/IDN/44.

On measure 18, Indonesia would like to reaffirm that the documents required for the statutory changes, including the draft amendments and their respective academic drafts have been prepared by the Government.  Indonesia commits itself to continue the process of amending the relevant laws in conformity with its national laws and regulations.

Indonesia will continue to engage with New Zealand and the United States regarding matters related to the recommendations and rulings of the DSB.