Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Saint Lucia - Packaged water


The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6



Notifying Member: Saint Lucia

If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):


Agency responsible: Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards

Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:


Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [  ], 5.6.2 [  ], 5.7.1 [  ], other:


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): ICS 67.250.01


Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: SLNS 29:2017 Packaged Water - Specification  


Description of content: This national standard specifies requirements for the purity, treatment, bacteriological acceptability, packaging and labelling of all waters that are pre-packaged for sale and used as beverages or in foods.

This standard does not apply to water distributed by the public water supply system, to carbonated beverages, soda water or to packaged water sold for purposes other than as a beverage.

This standard should be used in conjunction with SLCP 4 Packaged water – Code of Hygienic Practice for collecting, processing and marketing.


Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable: This national standard is a revision of SLNS 29: 2006 Specification of packaged water. This revised version of the standard is a modified adoption of CRS 1: 2010 Specification for packaged water.

Throughout Saint Lucia, water from springs or other natural sources is packaged and sold. There are many underground reservoirs which have not been exposed to any pollution and can be exploited to satisfy a growing demand for natural pure water or water containing certain minerals. Purified waters from other sources are also entering the trade and it is now desirable to set guidelines for the production and promotion of such products.

Packaged water that comply with this standard, and is processed according to SLCP 4 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Packaged Water, can qualify to use the Saint Lucia Standards Mark.

In preparation of this standard, assistance was derived from the following:

a)     International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) revision 2015;

b)     Communicable Disease & Public Health Volume 3 No.1 March 2000.

Annex A is informative and lists the modifications made within this standard.


Relevant documents:

·         Standards Act Cap. 13.25

·         SLNS 29-2006 Specification for Packaged Water


Proposed date of adoption: On a date to be determined by the Minister with responsibility for standards matters in Saint Lucia

Proposed date of entry into force: On a date to be determined by the Minister with responsibility for standards matters in Saint Lucia


Final date for comments: 20 January 2017


Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax numbers and email and website addresses, if available, of other body:

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards
Bisee Industrial Estate, Castries
1-758-456-0102/ 453-0049