7 June 2017
(17-3002) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication, dated 6 June 2017, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of the United States of America.
TITLE: Compliance Date Extension; Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ACTION: Direct final rule
SUMMARY: EPA is taking direct final action on a revision to the formaldehyde emission standards
for composite wood products final rule, published in the Federal Register on 12 December 2016.
EPA is publishing this direct final action to extend the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI
final rule compliance dates including: Extending the 12 December 2017 date for emission
standards, recordkeeping, and labeling provisions until 22 March 2018; extending the
12 December 2018 date for import certification provisions until 22 March 2019; and extending the
12 December 2023 date for provisions applicable to producers of laminated products until
22 March 2024. Additionally, this direct final action will extend the transitional period during which
the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Third Party Certifiers (TPC) may certify composite wood
products under TSCA Title VI without an accreditation issued by an EPA TSCA Title VI Accreditation
Body so long as the TPC remains approved by CARB, is recognized by EPA, and complies with all
aspects of the 12 December 2016 final rule. Extension of these compliance dates and the
transitional period for CARB TPCs adds regulatory flexibility for regulated entities, reduces
compliance burdens, and helps to prevent disruptions to supply chains.
DATES: This final rule is effective on 10 July 2017 without further notice, unless EPA receives
adverse comment by 8 June 2017. If EPA receives adverse comment, the Agency will publish a
timely withdrawal in the Federal Register informing the public that this rule will not take effect.