China –
Measures related to the Exportation of
Rare earths, Tungsten, and Molybdenum
ReportS of the Panel
Panel Reports are in the form of a single document constituting three separate
Panel Reports: WT/DS431/R, WT/DS432/R and WT/DS433/R. The cover page,
preliminary pages, sections 1 through 7 are common to the three Reports. The
page header throughout the document bears the three document symbols
WT/DS431/R, WT/DS432/R and WT/DS433/R, with the following exceptions: section 8
on pages USA-252 and USA-253, which bears the document symbol for and
contains the Panel's conclusions and recommendations in the Panel Report WT/DS431/R;
section 8 on pages EU-254 and EU-255 contains the Panel's conclusions and
recommendations in the Panel Report WT/DS432/R; and section 8 on pages JPN‑256
and JPN-257, which bears the document symbol for and contains the Panel's
conclusions and recommendations in the Panel Report WT/DS433/R. The annexes,
which are a part of the Panel Reports, are circulated in a separate document
(WT/DS431/R/Add.1, WT/DS432/R/Add.1 and WT/DS433/R/Add.1).