Australia - Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather - Recourse by the United States to Article 21.5 of the DSU - Constitution of the Panel - Note by the Secretariat

australia – subsidies provided to producers and exporters of

automotive leather


Recourse by the United States to Article 21.5 of the DSU


Constitution of the Panel


Note by the Secretariat


1.                  At its meeting on 14 October 1999, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) decided, in accordance with Article 21.5 of the DSU, to refer to the original panel the matter raised by the United States in document WT/DS126/8. 

2.                  At that DSB meeting, it was also agreed that the Panel should have standard terms of reference as follows: 

“To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of the covered agreements cited by the United States in document WT/DS126/8, the matter referred to the DSB by the United States in that document and to make such findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in those agreements.”

3.                  The Panel is composed as follows:

            Chairperson:        H.E. Carmen Luz Guarda


            Members:     Mr. Jean-François Bellis

                        Mr. Wieslaw Karsz


4.                  The European Communities and Mexico have reserved their third party rights.