argentina – safeguard measures on imports of
Request for Consultations by Indonesia
following communication, dated 18 December 1998, from the Permanent Mission of
Indonesia to the Permanent Mission of Argentina and to the Dispute Settlement
Body, is circulated in accordance with Article 4.4 of the DSU.
authorities have recently received information indicating that the Government
of Argentina has modified the manner in which it is implementing Resolution
987/97 of the Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services, published in
Official Journal of the Argentine Republic No. 28729 on 12 September 1997,
effective as of 13 September 1997, one of the measures included within the
scope of the above mentioned consultations.
In particular, I draw your attention to Resolution 1506/98 of the
Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services, dated 16 November 1998, and
Decision 837/98 of the Secretariat for Industry, Trade and Mining, dated 4
December 1998.
upon instruction from my authorities, I wish to convey the request of the
Government of Indonesia to hold another round of consultations with the
Government of Argentina so that we might seek clarification of the
implementation of Argentina's safeguard measures on the importation of
look forward to receiving your reply to this request for consultations and
arranging a mutually convenient date and place for consultations.