Pursuant to paragraph 11 of
Article 4 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement
of Disputes, the United States Government hereby notifies the Dispute
Settlement Body that, in light of the substantial trade interest of the United
States, it desires to be joined in the consultations under Article XXII:1 of
GATT 1994 requested by the European Communities in a communication circulated
to WTO Members on 11 June 1997 (WT/DS87/1), entitled "Chile - Taxes on
Alcoholic Beverages".
The United States has a
substantial trade interest in the alcoholic beverages that are the subject of
the EC request. The United States is a
major producer and exporter of distilled spirits. United States distilled spirits
production in 1996 was estimated at $3.8 billion, approximately 17 per cent of
world production. Total U.S. distilled
spirits exports in 1996 were $385 million.
Chile is the 19th largest market for U.S. distilled spirits
exports. U.S. exports of distilled
spirits were valued at $1.1 million in 1996.