Lee, Roy Chun
Taiwan WTO and RTA Center
Research Fellow, Senior Deputy Executive Director
l Trade
in Services
l Regional
l Communications
l Regulatory
and Competition Policy
l PhD in
Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia
l Findlay,
Christopher, Pangestu, Mari and Roy Lee, 2007, “Service sector reform options:
the experience of China”, Asia Pacific Economic Papers
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2007,”Treatment of Internet Banking under WTO: Market Access and Domestic
Regulation”, Journal of Entrepreneurship Research (創業管理研究),Vol.2, No.2 (forthcoming).
l Lee,
Roy Chun and Christopher Findlay, 2005. ‘Telecommunications Reform in
Indonesia: Achievements and Challenges’, Bulletin of Indonesia Economic
Studies, 41(3): 341-65. (SSCI)
l Roy
Chun Lee, “The importance of TPP for Taiwan”, Paper presented at Conference on
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Taiwan's Future Development Strategy, October
11-12, 2013, Stanford University.
l Roy
Chun Lee, “The possible roadmap and challenges of Taiwan’s participation in
regional integration”, Paper presented at the Conference on Free Trade
Agreements: Revisiting the Reality of FTA Competition, National Seoul
University, May 23, 2013.
l Roy
Chun Lee, ‘Structural Reform in the Telecom Sector, The Chinese Taipei
Experience’, APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform (ANSSR) Symposium, Big
Sky, Montana, May 15-16 2011.
l Roy
Chun Lee, 2006, “Liberalization Options for Service Sectors: the Experience of
Telecommunications, paper presented at Asia WTO Network Meeting, Taipei, Apr.
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2005. ‘Network convergence and regulatory policy, conference paper,
the 2nd ICICE conference, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo,
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2004. ‘Establishing e-ASEAN Indicators’, paper presented at ASEAN
Telecommunications and IT Sectors’: Towards Closer ASEAN Integration workshop,
ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia
l Findlay,
Christopher, Roy Chun Lee, Alexandra Sidorenko and Mari Pangestu, 2002.
‘Telecommunications’, conference paper, the 28th Pacific Trade and Development
Conference (PAFTA) on “Competition Policy in the New Millennium”, September
16-18, 2002, Manila.
l Implementing
the e-APEC Strategy: Progress and Recommendations for further action, PECC
report for APEC Ministers, PECC, Singapore. (Available at
l Regulatory
models for ASEAN telecom market’, Report for the ASEAN Telecom Regulators’
Council (ATRC), ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, 2004.
l Liberalisation
and Harmonisation of ASEAN Telecommunications, Report for the ASEAN
Secretariat, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, 2004.
service and ASEAN, Report for the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Secretariat,
Jakarta, 2004.
l Christopher
Findlay, Mari Pangestu and Roy Chun Lee, 2007. “Services sector reform options:
the experience of China”, in Garnaut R. and Song, L. (eds), China: Linking
Markets for Growth, Asia Pacific Press, September 2007.
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2006. Network Convergence and Regulatory Policy, PhD Thesis,
Australian National University.
l Findlay,
Christopher, Roy Chun Lee, Sidorenko A. and Pangestu M., 2005. ‘The
Telecommunications Industry’, in Medalla E. (ed), Competition Policy in East
Asia, Routledge, Oxford.
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2005. Book Review, Moazzem Hossain, Allan Brown and T. Nguyen (eds)
(2005), Telecommunications Reform in the Asia Pacific Region: Economic and
Regulatory Experiences, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Bulletin of Indonesia
Economic Studies 41(2): 258-60, 2005.
l Lee,
Roy Chun, 2004. ‘Assessing e-Infrastructure in the APEC Region (Part 1);
liberalisation and Regulatory Policy Performance (part 2) and The Brunei Goal
and Concluding Remarks (Part 3’), Background Papers for Implementing the e-APEC
Strategy: Progress and Recommendations for further action, PECC report for APEC
Ministers, PECC, Singapore. (Available at http://www.pecc.org/community/e-apec)