




本次研討會將結合國內外產、官、學、研,探討 CPTPP 在國際地緣政治變 遷下對各國經貿發展及供應鏈韌性的益處,以及持續擴大成員之意義,盼展現 「台灣能貢獻、台灣已準備好」(Taiwan can contribute. Taiwan is ready.)的主動積 極精神,凝聚國人共識、拓展國際支持。

International Seminar: Promoting Supply Chain Resilience - the Thinking and Strategies for the CPTPP(2024/10/2)

This seminar will bring together domestic and international industry, government, academia, and research sectors to explore the benefits of the CPTPP for the economic development and supply chain resilience of various countries in the context of changing geopolitical dynamics, as well as the significance of continued membership expansion. It is hoped that this seminar will demonstrate Taiwan's proactive spirit of "Taiwan can contribute. Taiwan is ready," foster national consensus, and expand international support.

Effects of environmental provisions in international trade agreements on businesses and economies - a systematic review

- By Gutsch, Michelle; Mai, Johanna; Ukhova, Nelli; Dijkstra-Silva, Samanthi

出版月(日)年:2024 DEC 17

Purpose-International trade and its effects on the environment are increasingly discussed both in academia and by policymakers. To counter negative effects of international trade on the environment, so called environmental provisions have been integrated in trade agreements aimed at businesses and economies. However, as both the intent and effectiveness of these provisions are controversial, this paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of research and identified key factors influencing their effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach-The authors conduct a systematic literature review of 44 papers on the effects of environmental provisions in international trade agreements on the environmental performance of businesses, as well as economies from 1992 to mid-2024. Findings-The integration of environmental provisions into trade agreements generally has positive effects on the environment while their effectiveness is influenced by their design and several boundary conditions. Alongside the importance of effective enforcement mechanisms, reputation concerns of businesses and lobbyism are discussed as intermediary factors in the design and impact of environmental provisions. Practical implications-The insights can benefit policymakers to optimize future environmental provisions and advance the effectiveness of policies aimed at balancing the effects of trade liberalization with environmental protection. Social implications-Social sustainability is increasingly relevant for creating more sustainable trade policy while societal mechanisms seem to be an adequate tool to ensure effective enforcement of ecological provisions. Originality/value-To the best of the authors' knowledge, this review is the first of its kind to provide a systematic overview of the literature on the effectiveness of environmental provisions that combines the micro-level of businesses and macro-level of economies, although the importance for trade in general and environmental protection, in particular, has been recognized in the academic literature.



論歐盟新著作權指令草案對網路產業發展的影響國際投資保障協定「適法性條款」之適用與效力——以Fraportv. Philippines為核心


USTR recommends action in probe of Chinese shipbuilding practices

- By Brett Fortnam

出處:Inside U.S. Trade

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on Thursday recommended the administration take “responsive action” to counter Chinese policies in its shipbuilding sector that are “unreasonable” and restrict U.S. commerce, but did not say what steps should be taken.

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