序 | 標題 | 通知日期 | 文件編號 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Communication from the Chairman of the Panel
| 1999/02/12 | WT/DS88/5, WT/DS95/5 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Constitution of the Panel Established at the Request of the European Communities and Japan - Communication from the DSB Chairman
| 1999/01/11 | WT/DS88/4, WT/DS95/4 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Request for the Establishment of a Panel by Japan
| 1998/09/09 | WT/DS95/3 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Request to Join Consultations - Communication from the European Communities
| 1997/07/30 | WT/DS95/2 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Lapse of Authority for Establishment of the Panel - Note by the Secretariat
| 2000/02/14 | WT/DS88/6, WT/DS95/6 | 詳細內容 |
United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement - Request for Consultations by Japan
| 1997/07/21 | GPA/D3/1, WT/DS95/1 | 詳細內容 |