United States — Safeguard measure on imports of large residential washers

摘要: 美國於2018年1月23日發布總統公告,宣布將對進口大型家用洗衣機實施確定防衛措施。對此,韓國於2018年5月14日向美國提交諮商請求,希望美方修正檢討系爭措施及相關公告。韓國強調,根據防衛協定第11.1(a)條,會員不得對特定進口產品採行或尋求任何於GATT 1994第19條所訂之緊急行動, 除非該行動符合防衛協定而適用該條之規定。 韓國主張美國措施主要不符以下規定,並希望收到美方回應,以確認諮商日期與地點。 1. 1994年GATT第1、2、10及19條; 2. 防衛協定第1、2、3、4、5、7、8及12條。
原告: Korea【韓國】
被告: United States【美國】
第三國: Brazil【巴西】, China【中國大陸】, Egypt【埃及】, European Union【歐盟】, India【印度】, Japan【日本】, Kazakhstan【哈薩克】, Mexico【墨西哥】, Norway【挪威】, Russian Federation【俄羅斯】, Thailand【泰國】, Viet Nam【越南】
所涉協定: GATT, Safeguards
Request Date2018/05/14
Panel Report2022/02/08
1 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Notification of a mutually agreed solution
2023/05/01WT/DS546/13 詳細內容
2 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Panel report - Action by the Dispute Settlement Body
2023/05/01WT/DS546/12 詳細內容
3 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Joint request by the Republic of Korea and the United States for a decision by the DSB
2022/12/09WT/DS546/11 詳細內容
4 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Joint request by the Republic of Korea and the United States for a decision by the DSB
2022/09/23WT/DS546/10 詳細內容
5 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Joint request by the Republic of Korea and the United States for a decision by the DSB
2022/06/27WT/DS546/9 詳細內容
6 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Joint request by the Republic of Korea and the United States for a decision by the DSB
2022/03/29WT/DS546/8 詳細內容
7 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Report of the Panel - Addendum
2022/02/08WT/DS546/R/Add.1 詳細內容
8 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Report of the Panel
2022/02/08WT/DS546/R 詳細內容
9 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Communication from the Panel
2021/03/29WT/DS546/7 詳細內容
10 United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Communication from the Panel
2019/12/09WT/DS546/6 詳細內容
11 United States - Safeguard measure on imports of large residential washers - Constitution of the Panel established at the request of the Republic of Korea - Note by the Secretariat
2019/07/02WT/DS546/5 詳細內容
12 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Request for the establishment of a Panel by the Republic of Korea
2018/08/16WT/DS546/4 詳細內容
13 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Acceptance by the United States of the requests to join consultations
2018/06/25WT/DS546/3 詳細內容
14 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Request to join consultations - Communication from Thailand
2018/05/29WT/DS546/2 詳細內容
15 United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Large Residential Washers - Request for Consultations by the Republic of Korea
2018/05/16G/L/1235, G/SG/D52/1, WT/DS546/1 詳細內容