Brazil — Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges

原告: Japan【日本】
被告: Brazil【巴西】
第三國: Argentina【阿根廷】, Australia【澳大利亞】, Canada【加拿大】, China【中國大陸】, Colombia【哥倫比亞】, European Union【歐盟】, India【印度】, Korea【韓國】, Russian Federation【俄羅斯】, Singapore【新加坡】, Turkey【土耳其】, Ukraine【烏克蘭】, United States【美國】
所涉協定: GATT, SCM, TRIMs
Request Date2015/07/02
Panel Report2017/08/30
Appellate Body Report2018/12/13
1 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Brazil - Addendum
2020/01/17WT/DS497/14/Add.2 詳細內容
2 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Understanding between Brazil and Japan regarding procedures under articles 21 and 22 of the DSU
2020/01/09WT/DS497/15 詳細內容
3 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Brazil - Addendum
2019/12/06WT/DS497/14/Add.1 詳細內容
4 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Brazil
2019/11/12WT/DS497/14 詳細內容
5 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Agreement under article 21.3(b) of the DSU
2019/05/14WT/DS497/13 詳細內容
6 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from Japan and Brazil concerning article 21.3(b) and 21.3(c) of the DSU
2019/02/22WT/DS497/12 詳細內容
7 Brazil - Certain measures concerning taxation and charges - Appellate Body reports and Panel reports - Action by the Dispute Settlement Body
2019/01/14WT/DS472/13, WT/DS497/11 詳細內容
8 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from the Appellate Body
2018/12/18WT/DS472/12, WT/DS497/10 詳細內容
9 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - AB-2017-7 - AB-2017-8 - Reports of the Appellate Body
2018/12/13WT/DS472/AB/R, WT/DS497/AB/R 詳細內容
10 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - AB-2017-7 - AB-2017-8 - Reports of the Appellate Body - Addendum
2018/12/13WT/DS472/AB/R/Add.1, WT/DS497/AB/R/Add.1 詳細內容
11 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - AB-2017-7 - AB-2017-8 - Reports of the Appellate Body - Addendum
2018/12/13WT/DS472/AB/R/Add.1, WT/DS497/AB/R/Add.1 詳細內容
12 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - AB-2017-7 - AB-2017-8 - Reports of the Appellate Body
2018/12/13WT/DS472/AB/R, WT/DS497/AB/R 詳細內容
13 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from the Appellate Body Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from the Appellate Body
2018/11/22WT/DS472/11, WT/DS497/9 詳細內容
14 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from the Appellate Body
2018/11/22WT/DS472/11, WT/DS497/9 詳細內容
15 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Communication from the Appellate Body
2018/03/14WT/DS472/10, WT/DS497/8 詳細內容
16 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Notification of an other appeal by Japan under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 23 of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review
17 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Notification of an appeal by Brazil under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 20(1) of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review
2017/10/06WT/DS472/8, WT/DS497/6詳細內容
18 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Report of the Panel
2017/10/04WT/DS472/R/Corr.1, WT/DS497/R/Corr.1詳細內容
19 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Report of the Panel - Addendum
2017/08/30WT/DS472/R/Add.1, WT/DS497/R/Add.1詳細內容
20 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Report of the Panel - Addendum
2017/08/30WT/DS472/R/Add.1, WT/DS497/R/Add.1詳細內容
21 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Report of the Panel
2017/08/30WT/DS472/R, WT/DS497/R詳細內容
22 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Request for the establishment of a Panel by Japan
2015/09/18WT/DS497/3 詳細內容
23 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges (EU) - Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges (Japan) - Communication from the Panels
2015/10/26WT/DS472/7, WT/DS497/5詳細內容
24 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Constitution of the Panel established at the request of Japan - Note by the Secretariat
2015/10/15WT/DS497/4 詳細內容
25 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Request to join consultations - Communication from the European Union
2015/07/20WT/DS497/2 詳細內容
26 Brazil - Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges - Request for consultations by Japan
2015/07/09G/L/1119, G/SCM/D108/1, G/TRIMS/D/41, WT/DS497/1詳細內容