European Union — Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products

原告: China【中國大陸】
被告: European Union【歐盟】
第三國: Argentina【阿根廷】, Brazil【巴西】, Canada【加拿大】, India【印度】, Russian Federation【俄羅斯】, Thailand【泰國】, United States【美國】
所涉協定: GATT
Request Date2015/04/08
Panel Report2017/03/28
1 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Notification of a mutually agreed solution
2019/06/05G/L/1113/Add.1, WT/DS492/9 詳細內容
2 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Agreement under article 21.3(b) of the DSU
2018/05/17WT/DS492/8 詳細內容
3 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Communication from the European Union and China
4 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Panel report - Action by the Dispute Settlement body
5 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Communication from the European Union
6 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Report of the Panel - Addendum
7 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Report of the Panel
8 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Communication from the Panel
2016/07/12WT/DS492/4 詳細內容
9 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Constitution of the Panel established at the request of China - Note by the Secretariat
10 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Request for the establishment of a panel by China
2015/06/09WT/DS492/2 詳細內容
11 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Request for the establishment of a panel by China - Corrigendum
2015/06/12WT/DS492/2/Corr.1 詳細內容
12 European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products - Request for consultations by China
2015/04/17G/L/1113, WT/DS492/1詳細內容