Argentina — Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods

原告: United States【美國】
被告: Argentina【阿根廷】
第三國: Australia【澳大利亞】, Canada【加拿大】, China【中國大陸】, Ecuador【厄瓜多】, European Union【歐盟】, Guatemala【瓜地馬拉】, India【印度】, Israel【以色列】, Japan【日本】, Norway【挪威】, Korea【韓國】, Saudi Arabia【沙烏地阿拉伯】, Switzerland【瑞士】, Thailand【泰國】, Taiwan【台灣】, Turkey【土耳其】, United States【美國】
所涉協定: GATT, Licensing, Safeguards, TRIMs
Request Date2012/08/21
Panel Report2014/08/22
Appellate Body Report2015/01/15
1 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Understanding between Argentina and the United States regarding procedures under articles 21 and 22 of the DSU
2 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Status report by Argentina
2016/01/15WT/DS438/23, WT/DS444/23, WT/DS445/24詳細內容
3 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Agreement under article 21.3(b) of the DSU
4 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from Argentina and the European Union concerning article 21.3(c) of the DSU
2015/03/13WT/DS444/21 詳細內容
5 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Appellate Body Report and Panel Report - Action by the Dispute Settlement Body
2015/01/28WT/DS444/20, WT/DS445/21詳細內容
6 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from the Appellate Body
2015/01/19WT/DS438/19, WT/DS444/19, WT/DS445/20詳細內容
7 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - AB-2014-9 - Reports of the Appellate Body
2015/01/15WT/DS438/AB/R, WT/DS444/AB/R, WT/DS445/AB/R詳細內容
8 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from the India
2014/12/11WT/DS444/18, WT/DS445/19詳細內容
9 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from the European Union
2014/12/11WT/DS438/18, WT/DS444/17, WT/DS445/18詳細內容
10 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Joint communication from Argentina, Japan and the United States
2014/12/09WT/DS444/16, WT/DS445/17詳細內容
11 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from the Appellate Body
2014/11/24WT/DS438/17, WT/DS444/15, WT/DS445/16詳細內容
12 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Notification of an appeal by Argentina under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 20(1) of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review
2014/09/29WT/DS438/15, WT/DS444/14, WT/DS445/14詳細內容
13 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Request for the establishment of a panel by the United States
14 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Reports of the Panel - Addendum
2014/08/22WT/DS438/R/Add.1, WT/DS444/R/Add.1, WT/DS445/R/Add.1詳細內容
15 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Reports of the Panel
2014/08/22WT/DS438/R, WT/DS444/R, WT/DS445/R詳細內容
16 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Communication from the Panel
2014/05/07WT/DS438/14, WT/DS444/13, WT/DS445/13詳細內容
17 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Constitution of the panel established at the request of the European Union, the United States and Japan - Note by the Secretariat
2013/05/28WT/DS438/12, WT/DS444/11, WT/DS445/11詳細內容
18 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Acceptance by Argentina of the requests to join consultations
World Trade Organization Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Organización Mundial del Comercio WT/DS444/9 20 September 2012 (12-5062) Argentina - measures affecting the importation of goods Acceptance by Argentina of the Requests to Join Consultations Australia, Canada, the European Union, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico and Turkey notified the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of their desire to be joined in the consultations requested by the United States, pursuant to Article 4.11 of the DSU. The delegation of Argentina informed the DSB that it had accepted the requests of Australia, Canada, the European Union, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico and Turkey to join the consultations. ArgentinE - MESURES AFFECTANT L'importation DE MARCHANDISES Acceptation par l'Argentine des demandes de participation aux consultations L'Australie, le Canada, le Guatemala, le Japon, le Mexique, la Turquie et l'Union européenne ont fait savoir à l'Organe de règlement des
19 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Request for Consultations by the United States
World Trade Organization WT/DS444/1 G/L/995 G/LIC/D/41 G/TRIMS/D/31 G/SG/D43/1 23 August 2012 (12-4556) Original: English Argentina – Measures affecting the Importation of Goods Request for Consultations by the United States The following communication, dated 21 August 2012, from the delegation of the United States to the delegation of Argentina and to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated in accordance with Article 4.4 of the DSU. _______________ My authorities have instructed me to request consultations with the Government of Argentina ("Argentina") pursuant to Articles 1 and 4 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, Article XXII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("GATT 1994"), Article 6 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures ("Import Licensing Agreement"), Article 8 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures ("TRIMS Agreement") and Artic
2012/08/31WT/DS444/1, G/L/995, G/LIC/D/41, G/TRIMS/D/31, G/SG/D43/1詳細內容