European Union — Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia

原告: Indonesia【印尼】
被告: European Union【歐盟】
第三國: India【印度】, Malaysia【馬來西亞】, Korea【韓國】, Thailand【泰國】, Turkey【土耳其】, United States【美國】
所涉協定: AD, GATT
Request Date2012/07/30
Panel Report2016/12/16
Appellate Body Report2017/09/05
1 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Appellate Body report and Panel report - Action by the Dispute Settlement Body
2 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - AB-2017-1 - Report from the Appellate Body - Addendum
3 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - AB-2017-1 - Report from the Appellate Body
4 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Communication from the Appellate Body
5 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Notification of an appeal by Indonesia under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes and under Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 20(1) of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review - Corrigendum
6 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Communication from the Appellate Body
7 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Communication from the Appellate Body
8 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Notification of an other appeal by the European Union under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes and under Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 20(1) of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review
9 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Notification of an appeal by Indonesia under article 16.4 and article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes and under Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), and under rule 20(1) of the Working Procedures for Appellate Review
10 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Report of the Panel
11 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Report of the Panel - Addendum
12 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Communication from the Panel
2015/06/11WT/DS442/4 詳細內容
13 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Constitution of the Panel established at the request of Indonesia - Note by the Secretariat
14 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Request for the establishment of a panel by Indonesia
15 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia - Request for consultations by Indonesia
2012/08/01G/ADP/D94/1, G/L/993, WT/DS442/1詳細內容