European Communities — Certain Measures Affecting Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products from the United States

原告: United States【美國】
被告: European Union【歐盟】
第三國: Australia【澳大利亞】, China【中國大陸】, Guatemala【瓜地馬拉】, New Zealand【紐西蘭】, Norway【挪威】, Korea【韓國】, Taiwan【台灣】
所涉協定: Agriculture, GATT, SPS, TBT
Request Date2009/01/16
1 European Communities - Certain Measures Affecting Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products from the United States - Acceptance by the European Communities of the Request to Join Consultations
World Trade Organization Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Organización Mundial del Comercio WT/DS389/3 10 February 2009 (09-0635) European Communities – Certain Measures Affecting Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products from the United States Acceptance by the European Communities of the Request to Join Consultations Australia notified the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of its desire to be joined in the consultations requested by the United States, pursuant to Article 4.11 of the DSU. The delegation of the European Communities informed the DSB that it had accepted the request of Australia to join the consultations. communautés européennes – certaines mesures visant la viande de volaille et les produits à base de viande de volaille en provenance des ÉtatsUnis Acceptation par les Communautés européennes de la demande de participation aux consultations L'Australie a notifié à l'Organe de règlement des différends (ORD) son désir d'être
2 European Communities - Certain Measures Affecting Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products from the United States - Request for Consultations by the United States
2009/01/20G/AG/GEN/81, G/L/881, G/SPS/GEN/894, G/TBT/D/35, WT/DS389/1詳細內容