European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar

原告: Brazil【巴西】
被告: European Union【歐盟】
第三國: Australia【澳大利亞】, Barbados【巴貝多】, Belize【貝里斯】, Canada【加拿大】, China【中國大陸】, Colombia【哥倫比亞】, Cuba【古巴】, Fiji【斐濟】, Guyana【蓋亞那】, India【印度】, Jamaica【牙買加】, Kenya【肯亞】, Madagascar【馬達加斯加】, Malawi【馬拉威】, Mauritius【模里西斯】, New Zealand【紐西蘭】, Paraguay【巴拉圭】
所涉協定: Agriculture, GATT, SCM
Request Date2002/09/27
Panel Report2004/10/15
Appellate Body Report2005/04/28
Article 21.3(c) Arbitration Report2005/10/28
1 European Communities - Export Subsidies on Sugar - Request for Consultations by Brazil
World Trade Organization WT/DS266/1 G/L/570 G/AG/GEN/53 G/SCM/D48/1 1 October 2002 (02-5272) Original: English european communities – EXPORT SUBSIDIES ON SUGAR Request for Consultations by Brazil The following communication, dated 27 September 2002, from the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the Permanent Delegation of the European Commission and to the Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated in accordance with Article 4.4 of the DSU. _____________
2004/11/25WT/DS266/1, G/L/570, G/AG/GEN/53, G/SCM/D48/1詳細內容
2 European Communities - Export Subsidies on Sugar - Request for Consultations by Brazil
2002/10/01WT/DS266/1, G/L/570, G/AG/GEN/53, G/SCM/D48/1詳細內容