144 | United States — Certain Measures Affecting the Import of Cattle, Swine and Grain from Canada | 1998/09/25 | Canada | United States | 詳細內容 |
137 | European Communities — Measures Affecting Imports of Wood of Conifers from Canada | 1998/06/17 | Canada | European Union | 詳細內容 |
135 | European Communities — Measures Affecting Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos | 1998/05/28 | Canada | European Union | 詳細內容 |
134 | European Communities — Restrictions on Certain Import Duties on Rice | 1998/05/27 | India | European Union | 詳細內容 |
133 | Slovak Republic — Measures Concerning the Importation of Dairy Products and the Transit of Cattle | 1998/05/07 | Switzerland | Slovak Republic | 詳細內容 |