1 ArgentinaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsPostal and distribution services The government established a new regime for 'door-to-door' deliveries through the postal system of products purchased online from abroad. A maximum of 12 orders per year of 50 dollars or less will be exempt from customs duties. Previously, only yearly purchases below 25 dollars were exempted.Decree No. 221/2019 General Resolution No. 4447/2019 Viewed at: https://www.llyasoc.com/es/novedades/comercio-exterior-regimen-de-envios-postales-sin-finalidad-comercial Effective 1 April 2019  2019/1/1 WTTPROVW13.docx
2 BelgiumMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3Flemish legislation on safeguarding the strategic interests of the Flemish Community and Flemish Region ("Bestuursdecreet") of 7 December 2018: If a legal act by a government body results in foreign natural or legal persons gaining power of control or decision-making power in that government body, and if the strategic interests of the Flemish Community or the Flemish Region are threatened as a result, viz. if the continuity of vital processes is jeopardised, if certain strategic or sensitive knowledge is in danger of falling into foreign hands or if the strategic independence of the Flemish Community or the Flemish Region is compromised, the Government of Flanders may annul this legal act or declare it inapplicable. The Government of Flanders may only apply this measure if it can demonstrate that it has attempted to achieve the safeguarding of strategic interests with the consent of the government body concerned.Official Publication ("Belgisch Staatsblad") number: 2018032457 page: 100723 Viewed at: http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/change_lg.pl?language=nl&la=N&cn=2018120705&table_name=wet Approved by Flemish Parliament on 5 December 2018  WTTPROVW13.docx
3 BrazilMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services Brazil adopted a new legal framework for the use of private data. The law aims to protect personal data, whether obtained by electronic or physical means, or by the public or private sector. The law applies to any data processing operation occurring in Brazil, regardless of the location of the entity conducting the operation or holding the data. The law provides that the collection, use or processing of personal data can be conditioned on first obtaining the explicit consent of the data subject. Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, cancel or exclude their data. Under the law, companies must ensure that personal data receives adequate protection when transferred abroad. Data transfers are allowed under a number of circumstances, including when transfers are made to countries offering adequate protection, when the regulator specifically approves the transfer, or after the data subject has consented. Further details are to be further specified by the regulator. The law also establishes a national data protection authority, an independent federal agency that will be responsible for regulation of data protection, including monitoring and enforcement. General Law on the Protection of Private Data (Federal Law 13709/2018) Viewed at: https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/gdpr-inspired-data-protection-heads-to-35738/ Law published on 15 August 2018. Provision Measure no. 869/2018 published on 28 December 2018. Effective from August 2020.   WTTPROVW13.docx
4 Burkina FasoMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3The government adopted a new law on investment, which aims to improve conditions for domestic and foreign investors. Among other things, the new law seeks to promote investment in strategic sectors, including green and renewable energies and handicrafts, by relaxing the criteria relating to the investment threshold and the number of jobs created.Investment Code Viewed at: https://www.assembleenationale.bf/spip.php?article855 Adopted on 30 October 2018   WTTPROVW13.docx
5 ChinaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3On 15 March 2019, China adopted its new Foreign Investment Law, aiming to provide a better business environment for foreign investments. The law will replace the three existing laws on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises and Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures. The new law aims to further encourage foreign investment in China and to strengthen the protection of the legal rights and interests of foreign investors and foreign invested-enterprises. Pre-establishment national treatment shall be applied to foreign investments under a negative list, with the objective of promoting a level playing field that is stable, transparent and predictable, and ensuring that foreign-invested enterprises participate in market competition on an equal basis. Order of the President of the PRC No. 26: Foreign Investment LawEffective 1 January 2020  2020/1/1 WTTPROVW13.docx
6 Côte d'IvoireMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3The government adopted a new Investment Code, which provides various fiscal incentives to foreign investors, including in relation to the use of local content. Certain benefits are only available to companies that open at least 15% of their capital to nationals. The new measure also provides for the creation of a specific agency to promote investment and act as principal link between investors and the government. Decrees of 18 December 2018 pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-646 of 1 August 2018 on the Investment Code. Viewed at: https://afrimag.net/nouveau-code-des-investissements-en-cote-divoire-focus-sur-les-principales-innovations/ Adopted 18 December 2018  WTTPROVW13.docx
7 EgyptMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors New measures have been adopted in relation to the management of enterprises in Egypt. A first measure removes the requirement that limited liability companies in Egypt appoint at least one manager of Egyptian nationality. A second measure requires non-resident companies with a representative office in Egypt to decide, three years from the date the office was registered, to establish either a company or a branch. The new requirement does not apply to representative offices of banks.Decree No. 256 amending Article 281 of the executive resolution of the Companies' Law No. 159 Decree No 60 of Egypt's General Authority for Investment and Free Zones Viewed at: https://www.gafi.gov.eg/english/MediaCenter/News/Pages/default.aspx Issued 23 December 2018 Issued on 31 January 2019   WTTPROVW13.docx
8 European UnionMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3The European Union adopted a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the EU. The new regulation does not require EU member states to implement an FDI screening mechanism. However, existing or future mechanisms at the member state level are required to meet certain basic screening requirements, such as judicial review of decisions, non-discrimination between different third countries, and transparency. The regulation sets out a non-exhaustive list of factors that may be taken into account to determine whether foreign investments pose a risk to security or public order, including the impact on critical infrastructure, critical technologies, the supply of critical inputs, access to, and ability to control, sensitive information, and freedom and pluralism of the media. The regulation also establishes a cooperation mechanism whereby Member States and the Commission will be able to exchange information and raise concerns related to specific investments. The Commission will also be allowed to issue opinions when an investment poses a threat to the security or public order of more than one Member State, or when an investment could undermine a project or programme of interest to the whole EU. Regulation 2019/452 of 19 March 2019 Viewed at: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=2008 Effective 10 April 2019  2019/4/10 WTTPROVW13.docx
9 FranceMeasures Affecting Various SectorsVarious sectors3On 29 November 2018, the government amended its foreign investment regime by extending the requirement of a prior authorisation to investments in activities related to new strategic sectors. These include: space operations; R&D activities in cybersecurity; artificial intelligence; robotics, additive manufacturing and semiconductors; data storage in connection with public security; IT systems participating in guaranteeing the security of operators of vital importance.Decree No. 2018-1057 Viewed at: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f65e10a4-5298-41db-8ffc-38980c0253c1 Effective 1 January 2019  2019/1/1 WTTPROVW13.docx
10 GermanyMeasures Affecting Various SectorsVarious sectors3The government amended the foreign investment regime. It lowered, from 25% to 10% of voting rights, the threshold for screening acquisitions by non-EU/EFTA investors in certain sectors: specific operators of critical infrastructure; developers of software in relation to the operation of critical infrastructure in specific sectors; companies monitoring telecommunications; providers of cloud computing services; providers of telematics in the health sector; media companies critical for the formation of public opinion.Amendment to the Foreign Trade Regulation Viewed at: https://investmentpolicyhubold.unctad.org/IPM/MeasureDetails?id=3337&rgn=&grp=&t=&s=&pg=5&c=&dt=&df=&isSearch=false 19 December 2018  WTTPROVW13.docx
11 HungaryMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3The government adopted a new law providing for the national security review of foreign investment by non-EU/EFTA investors in sensitive activities. 'Sensitive activities' include defence, dual use products, cryptography and wire-tapping products, financial services, energy, government registries and the electronic communications sector. The screening will apply to: acquisition of over 25% of ownership (10% for public company limited by shares) in a Hungarian entity; establishment of a branch in Hungary; obtention of the right to operate or use infrastructure or other assets essential for national security. Act LVII of 2018 on the screening of foreign investments harming Hungary's security interests; Implementing Government Decree No. 246/2018 Viewed at: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=0d91687c-0809-46c0-86c2-1142e878e84a Effective 1 January 2019  2019/1/1 WTTPROVW13.docx
12 IndiaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsSelected sectors3India allowed foreign companies in the defence, telecom, information and broadcasting, and private security sectors to open branch offices, liaison offices, project offices or any other place of business in India, provided an approval has been obtained from the regulator and the ministry concerned. Approval of the Reserve Bank of India is no longer required. Foreign Exchange Management (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 Viewed at: https://investmentpolicyhubold.unctad.org/IPM/MeasureDetails?id=3359&rgn=&grp=&t=&s=&pg=3&c=&dt=&df=&isSearch=false 21 January 2019  2019/1/21 WTTPROVW13.docx
13 IndiaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsE-commerce 3India announced new conditions in relation to its FDI policy on e-commerce. The new measure provides that e-commerce marketplaces cannot sell on their platform the products of companies in which they have equity interests or in which they control the inventory. E-commerce marketplaces are information technology platforms that connect buyers and sellers. In addition, e-commerce marketplace entities cannot mandate any seller to sell any product exclusively on its platform.Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Press Note 2, 2018 Viewed at: http://pib.nic.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1562493 Effective 1 February 2019   2019/2/1 WTTPROVW13.docx
14 IndonesiaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services The government decided to revoke a regulation on e-commerce taxes that was intended to be enforced from 1 April 2019. Finance Ministerial Regulation (PMK) No. 210/2018, which was signed on Dec. 31, required online marketplace operators to report details of each seller's turnover, mandated online sellers to register for a tax payer number, and set out taxes to be paid by online sellers. Revocation of Finance Ministerial Regulation (PMK) No. 210/2018 Viewed at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2019/04/01/welcoming-the-revocation-of-e-commerce-tax-regulation.html 29 March 2019  WTTPROVW13.docx
15 Korea, Rep. ofMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services The government now requires certain offshore IT providers to designate a domestic representative in Korea in order to comply with personal data protection rules.Amendments to the Act on the Promotion of IT Network Use and Information Protection Viewed at: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/privacy-and-data-security/south-korea-privacy-law-changes-may-help-eu-data-transfer-talks Effective 19 March 2019  2019/3/19 WTTPROVW13.docx
16 NigeriaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services The Nigeria Information Technology Department Agency (NITDA) issued the Data Protection Regulation. The new regulation extends to all organisations processing the personal data of natural persons in Nigeria and natural persons of Nigerian descent residing in foreign countries. For the processing of data to be considered lawful, at least one of the following must apply: the data subject has provided consent; processing is for the performance of a contract, is required for compliance with a legal obligation, is required for the protection of the vital interest of a data subject or another natural person, or it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. The regulation provides for transfer of data abroad, but gives the Attorney General the power to determine which third countries provide adequate data protection laws. If the Attorney General has not issued decisions on adequacy, data may only be transferred to another country under certain conditions, including if the data subject has consented. Data Protection Regulation Viewed at: http://www.mondaq.com/Nigeria/x/781658/Data+Protection+Privacy/The+NITDA+Data+Protection+Regulation+A+Watershed+In+The+Protection+Of+Personal+Data+In+Nigeria Effective 25 January 2019   2019/1/25 WTTPROVW13.docx
17 PanamaMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services The government adopted a new law on personal data protection. For the processing of personal data to be lawful, the prior, informed, and unequivocal consent of the data subject must be obtained. The law also establishes other data subject rights, including the right to access personal data that is stored or subject to processing; the right to request the rectification or cancellation of personal data that is incorrect, irrelevant, incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, false, or impertinent; the right to refuse to provide personal data or have it subject to certain treatment, as well as to revoke consent; and the right to data portability.Law No. 81 on Personal Data Protection Viewed at: https://www.panacamara.com/ley-81-de-2019/ 29 March 2019  WTTPROVW13.docx
18 PhilippinesMeasures Affecting Various SectorsAll sectors3The government relaxed limitations on foreign investment in selected sectors. Changes to the 'negative list', which set out sectors where foreign investors face restrictions, are as follows: - permit up to 100% foreign ownership of: Internet businesses; teaching at higher education levels (provided the subject being taught is not a professional); training centres for short term high-level skills development that do not form part of the formal education system; adjustment companies, lending and financing companies; investment houses; and wellness centers; - increasing from 25% to 40% the limit on foreign equity in contracts for the construction and repair of certain locally-funded public works; - increasing from 20% to 40% the foreign ownership limit in private radio communications networks. Executive Order no. 65 – Revision of Foreign Investment Negative List of the Foreign Investment Act if 1991 Viewed at: https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2018/10/29/executive-order-no-65-s-2018/ Effective 16 November 2018   WTTPROVW13.docx
19 QatarMeasures Affecting Various SectorsVarious sectors3A new law allows wholly-owned foreign investments in most economic sectors. It abolishes the previous requirement to have a local partner holding at least 51% of the shares in any limited liability company or acting as sponsor. The sectors excluded from this new legal framework for foreign investment are: banking, insurance, commercial agency activities, security and defence, and other sectors as decided by the Council of Ministers. The new law also increases to 49% the maximum foreign ownership in listed companies on Qatar Exchange, subject to approval by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Executive regulations to detail application are to be issued at a later stage. Law No. 1 of 2019 regulating the investment of non-Qatari capital in economic activity Viewed at: https://www.gulf-times.com/story/618609/Law-regulating-investment-of-non-Qatari-capital-to Effective 7 January 2019  2019/1/7 WTTPROVW13.docx
20 Russian FederationMeasures Affecting Various SectorsInternet and other network-enabled services A new Federal Law envisages a number of measures aimed to ensure the safe and stable operation of the Internet on the territory of the Russian Federation. The law, in particular, defines the necessary rules for routing telecommunication messages and provides for the monitoring of compliance with them. Law on ensuring safe and stable operation of the Internet in Russia Viewed at: http://en.kremlin.ru/acts/news/60430 Signed on 1 May 2019 To come in force on 1 November 2019   WTTPROVW13.docx