Committee on Trade and Development - Participation of developing economies in the global trading system - Note by the Secretariat

Participation of developing economies in the global trading system

Note by the Secretariat*

1   Executive summary. 2

2   Introduction.. 4

3   Overview... 4

3.1   Developing economies' exports and imports affected by weaker demand in 2015 and 2016. 4

3.2   Developing economies' participation in world merchandise trade almost unchanged since 2012  6

4   Merchandise trade developments between 2014 and 2016. 7

4.1   2014 to 2016, a period of weak economic activity. 7

4.2   South-South trade: intra-developing Asia trade gains shares. 9

4.3   Manufactures declined only moderately in the 2014-2016 period. 10

4.4   Decline in fuel prices, top global headline. 11

4.5   Developing economies' merchandise trade by region. 13

4.5.1   Latin America. 13

4.5.2   Developing Europe. 15

4.5.3   Africa. 16

4.5.4   Middle East 17

4.5.5   Developing Asia. 18

5   Trade in commercial services Developments between 2014 and 2016. 20

5.1   Transport 23

5.2   Travel 28

5.3   Other commercial services and goods-related services. 31

6   The importance of GVCs for DEVELOPING ECONOMIES evidenced through the TRADE IN VALUE ADDED APPROACH.. 36

annex. 41

appendix. 44

* This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members or to their rights and obligations under the WTO.