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Technical Note on the Accession Process - Note by the Secretariat - Addendum

World Trade Organization WT/ACC/10/Rev.4/Add.1 25 May 2010 (10-2892) TECHNICAL NOTE ON THE ACCESSION PROCESS Note by the Secretariat Addendum This is the Addendum with the updated Annexes to document WT/ACC/10/Rev.4 and has been prepared by the Secretariat to reflect completed accessions. Information on the state of current applications for accession and accession Working Parties is contained in document WT/ACC/11 and its subsequent revisions. _______________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEX 1 – List of Documents Dealing with Accession to the WTO 1 ANNEX 2 – General Council Decisions and Protocols of Accession 2 ANNEX 3 – Commitments on Rules 7 - ECONOMIC POLICIES 8 - Non-discrimination (including national treatment) 8 - Foreign Exchange and Payments 9 - Balance-of-payments Measures 10 - Investment Regime 11 - State Ownership and Privatization 11 - Pricing Policies 17 - FRAMEWORK FOR M