Report (2008) of the Committee on Rules of Origin to the Council for Trade in Goods

World Trade Organization G/L/870 14 November 2008 (08-5558) REPORT (2008) OF THE COMMITTEE ON RULES OF ORIGIN TO THE COUNCIL FOR TRADE IN GOODS This report is being submitted to the Council for Trade in Goods ( CTG ) in accordance with Article 6.1 of the Agreement on Rules of Origin (the Agreement) , which provides as follows: "The Committee shall review annually the implementation and operation of Parts II and III of this Agreement having regard to its objectives. The Committee shall annually inform the Council for Trade in Goods of developments during the period covered by such reviews." T he Committee on Rules of Origin (CRO) held two meetings on 24 April and 9 October 2008. The CRO re-elected Ms. Vera Thorstensen (Brazil) as Chairperson and Mr. Yoshitomo Kondo (Japan) as Vice-Chairman for 2008. Observer governments in the General Council of the WTO have observer status in the CRO. In addition, representatives of the ACP, EFTA, IADB, I